Thursday, 25 August 2011

Video on UKVisas and the role they play in UK Visa applications

Older video I stumbled on with an explanation on the role that ukVisas plays in the visa application system for the UK.

Interesting Video: Britain through my Eyes

Well shot video with UK Photojournalist Andre Camara commenting on his life in the UK over the past 20 years.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

UK Visa and Immigration News Update

Recently we have noticed that there has been a rise in the amount of UK immigration scams that the UKBA have picked up on. Just today we picked up on two different stories about different abuses of the immigration system. The one story which we found alarming is the story about an immigration law firm boss being jailed for a massive immigration scam. The report explained that this UK Immigration Lawyer was giving his clients false documents like fake education certificates, payslips and letters.

We have written many previous posts on how important it is to select the correct UK immigration lawyer or company. It is extremely disturbing to me that this kind of thing goes on, even though we are all aware of immigration abuses, but when you find a lawyer willing to abuse the system it makes it somehow feel even worse.

I am not a lawyer and have been doing UK visas and Immigration for 8 years and would never attempt to deceive the UK authorities or my clients.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

UK Prime Minister on Recent Riots

Infographic on the cost of Private Tuition Fees in the UK

I found this info-graphic on the telegraph web-site with a whole host of other articles on UK student fees :

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information but thought that it was useful to post either way.

London Riots Video Footage: Thugs caught robbing young boy on Camera

UK Riots Live Footage

Video Footage UK Riots

Seriously disturbing footage of the UK riots. This footage was taken on Sunday 7th August in Tottenham. The UK seems to be going through some real turbulent times, just last year we witnessed similar riots and looting taking place with the Student Protests.

More Video Footage on UK Riots

More 1st hand footage on the current rioting across London and other parts of the UK.

Theresa may On London Riots

Riot Footage: Shop Owners Try Defend Their Own Stores

London Riots

Over the past 3 days there has been terrible rioting and looting across the UK. This violence has spread to Liverpool, Birmingham,Bristol and Nottingham. The initial spark that set off this catastrophic series of events was when a peaceful protest in Tottenham turned bad when police shot a man dead.

There have been apparently over 400 arrests and about 70 people so far have been charged with varying offences. UK Police forces have been stretched to their limits and it seems as if even the army have been considered for helping with the trying to control this violence.

The current financial situation globally together with an overall bleak general outlook makes it hard for anyone to see positive in life. The issue is that mindless violence like this does not help in any way. You only have to look at the scenes filmed over the past 3 days and you can see the destruction and mayhem caused.

Not only are these riots and looting extremely destructive but they are going to cost large sums of money to repair.

This is certainly not the brightest time for the UK and with the Olympics coming up this should surely draw more attention to security issues too.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Useful Tips for People Travelling to the United Kingdom

The UK has always and will remain a vital destination for many people from all over the world. Regardless of the difficulties people experience with applying for UK Visas and the constant UK visa rules and law changes many people still require the permission to enter the UK for various purposes like:

Visiting Family

When travelling to the UK it is important to consider the following tips:

Always check that your passport is valid and that any children travelling with you have a valid passport or travel document.

Do not give false information or documents to the UK border Agency Employees

There are restrictions on what you can bring in to the UK, especially food products and a list of other prohibited items that cannot be brought into the UK.

Obviously no drugs, weapons or other counterfeit goods can be brought into the UK

Limits on items like tobacco and alcohol apply and should be checked

Cash of over 10,000 Euro should be declared if you are from outside the EU

Some medicine in the UK requires a prescription so make sure that you confirm this before you leave as this may be confiscated at the UK border