Sunday, 4 April 2010

UK Health care - a short guide

In the United Kingdom everyone has the right to health care. Public Health Care is provided by the National Health Service (NHS), there services include: Hospitals, Doctors, Dentists, Chemists, Opticians and Ambulances.

Who is entitled to NHS treatment?

It is always a good idea to take out your own personal fully covered medical insurance if you are not eligible for public health yet.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Working/Living in the United Kingdom - short guide

There are many different options available to work and finding work in the United Kingdom.
Whether you are looking for short term as a temporary worker or a more permanent position many people choose to look at an employment agency for assistance. There are many employment agencies in the UK and each year they advertise about 4 million vacancies each year.

Submitting your CV to these recruitment agencies has a number of benefits:

  • You stand a good chance of finding work or valuable information on the job market before you arrive
  • If you are working full time then the agency can work on your behalf while you apply for other jobs
  • Specialist recruitment agents will be able to offer more relevant advice on their specific sector which will be invaluable

General Rules for Using Recruitment Agencies:

  • Supply a CV that is specific for the sector you are applying
  • Be upfront with the agency from the beginning so they know what to look for and what not to
  • Be in constant contact with the agent for progress report and any updates
  • DO not rely on one agency you may sign with as many you wish
Finding a job online:

There are a number of websites that people use when looking for a job online. You can sign up to receive regular emails about jobs or new job listings.

These are the most popular websites used:

Totaljobs, AlljobsUK, Reed, Agency Central,Guardian Jobs, Jobfit and Monster

Besides for these site you could also use local newspapers and recuitment agencies in your chosen area.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

New Immigration Measures announced by Prime Minister

31 March 2010 The Prime Minister delivered a speech earlier today setting out some new immigration matters regarding the points based system.

He has claimed that unskilled migrant workers from outside the EU will not be allowed into the UK due to these services being less required. The Prime Minster added that improved training of British Nationals would continue to tackle the skills shortage that has led to these shortages within the UK.

He also said that two professions which have been attracting most of the non-EU nationals CHEFS and CARE WORKERS will be removed from the shortage occupation list by 2012 and 2014.

If you would like to listen to what was proposed have a look at this podcast from the PM.