Wednesday 14 October 2009

Asylum Seeker Process Change

The UKBA has announced some changes to the method it registers further cases and initial in-country asylum applications.

From the 14 October 2009- further submissions will have to lodged in person and not by post.

The following arrangements will be in place:

Those cases where people are claiming asylum before 5 March 2007, and ongoing cases being managed by the case resolution directorate will need to make any further submissions in person and by appointment at the Liverpool further submissions unit.

Those claiming asylum on or after 5 March 2007 will be required to make further submissions in person at a center in their region.

Added is the change that it is no longer possible for initial asylum cases to be made in Liverpool and anyone wishing to make a new application will have to do so in person in Croydon at the Asylum Screening Unit.

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