Thursday, 29 October 2009

Additions to Shortage Occupations

21 October 2009- The Migration Committee suggests additions to shortage occupation list.
The Migration Advisory Committee has suggested that teachers in special schools and skilled meat boners and trimmers should be added to the shortage occupation list.

If the migration committee's recommendations are accepted teachers in special schools and skilled meat boners and trimmers will be added to the shortage occupation list which means that employers in the UK will be able to recruit migrants without needing a resident labour market test.

Other occupations that The Migration Committee suggests be added to the list are:

  • specialised jobs in the electricity transmission and distribution industry;
  • some medical specialisms, including higher-level speciality paediatrics trainees; and
  • aircraft technicians and fitters
The UK Government should issue a response within the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Asylum Seeker Process Change

The UKBA has announced some changes to the method it registers further cases and initial in-country asylum applications.

From the 14 October 2009- further submissions will have to lodged in person and not by post.

The following arrangements will be in place:

Those cases where people are claiming asylum before 5 March 2007, and ongoing cases being managed by the case resolution directorate will need to make any further submissions in person and by appointment at the Liverpool further submissions unit.

Those claiming asylum on or after 5 March 2007 will be required to make further submissions in person at a center in their region.

Added is the change that it is no longer possible for initial asylum cases to be made in Liverpool and anyone wishing to make a new application will have to do so in person in Croydon at the Asylum Screening Unit.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Asylum Seekers - UK Govt Response

09-October 2009

The UK Government has made a response to claims in the British Media that up to 40,000 Asylum seekers will be given permission to stay in the United Kingdom because it would be too difficult a task to send them home to their home countries.

United Kingdom Border Agency, Border and Immigration Minister was reported to say that no lawbreaker would be allowed to stay and that each case is still decided on an individual basis on its own merits.

He also mentioned that less than 40% of cases are being granted and that all cases should be cleared by 2011.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Changes for Sponsors under the PBS

As spoken about in the past, it has now become official, the changes for becoming a sponsor have been divided into two categories:Tier 2 + 5 sponsors, and Tier 4 sponsors.

For a full list of all changes you can check out there site over here.

On the other hand the British Government realizes the possible constraints the new maintenance rules could have on students currently in the UK and as such has granted them an extension until February 2010.  All students wishing to renew their visa from within the UK will only need to show maintenance the day of their application, however they must still supply all relevant documentation.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

2 New Policy Announcements for Tier 4 of the UK Points Based System

30 Sep 2009-UKBA has announced 2 new Policies for Tier 4 Sponsors and potential students.

The new policies focuses on 2 areas:

The new policy allows a maintenance concession for Tier 4 applicants already in the UK looking to extend their current status-applicants need to show maintenance on the date of extension.

Tier 4 applicants from outside the UK will have to show that they have held the necessary maintenance for the required 28 day period ending no more than one month before the date of the application.

Tying Tier 4 applicants permission to stay to their sponsors if they lodge their applications on or after 5 October 2009

Drug Bust at Poole Ferry Port

30 Sep 2009-United Kingdom Border Agency-UKBA- Officers have confiscated a large shipment of cocaine and cannibas resin worth almost 2 Million Pounds.

Three British men were arrested when the drugs were found in a lorry on its way from Spain and the case has been passed onto HM Revenue & Customs -HMRC.